Nintendo Wii

Everyone is talking about the Wii. The first time I heard about it, I was skyrocketing! Finally, a game console, which doesn't involve sitting in front of a stupid screen. Well, the stupid screen is still there, but sitting is not part of the game anymore. Because in order to play on this Nintendo machine, you have to constantly move your hands. The controllers are the main assets of Wii, and have motion sensors in them. Whatever movements you do, they will recognise it and translate it into the game, so that you can simulate sword movements, tennis shots and putting a golf ball. The Wii also has WLAN, so you can easily connect it to the internet and play online. I think, all the kids can finally stick to the TV without their moms complaining about not doing any sports! See you around, going bowling in my TV room, now!
Japan/World - $250 (US), £180 (UK), €250 (Europe)